Streams well on my phone. I dont have cable so its nice to catch some of the latest episodes of my favorite shows.
Streams well on my phone. I dont have cable so its nice to catch some of the latest episodes of my favorite shows.
I enjoyed using this app when I have missed my show. Its easy to use and if I can figure it out anyone can. CBS Daytime is the best of entertainment.
Im anxiously waiting for the day that I can cut the cord from cable and purchase station via an online service or direct but unfortunately so far Ive been less that satisfy with the majority of the app options available. The CBS is a shining exception. Thanks for making an app that works.
I absolutely love having the CBS app. It has been the best and there anytime day or night to fit my schedule. I use it all the time and will continue as long as its there! Thanks CBS!!
I love this app. It has only gotten better. And for a few dollars more I can watch commercial free. CBS has continued to be innovative and continuously improve this app. It is the bar that every other network app should strive for.
I was able to catch up on missed episodes and watch other shows on my schedule.
I dont watch tons of CBS shows, but the ones I do, I watch on this app. It works flawlessly, with no flakiness, and the picture is sharp. And its free. You cant ask for much more than that. I wish some of my other streaming apps worked this well.
As a patriotic American citizen who despises the idiotic and illegitimate "president", the incredible sack of crap, trump, having someone calling it as it is instead of cowering in an almost traitorous way like some other pathetic excuses for American citizens, having the app to watch Stephens nightly beat downs of the steaming pile that is the running joke of the entire history of the United States of America and his stupid beyond words family, acolytes and stooge co-conspirators makes this CBS offering a "Must Have" for anyone who believes that were Through the Looking Glass and may never return but its our patriotic duty to stand firm and stare this evil monumentally stupid monster square in the eyes and give him the everlasting one-fingered salute. God Bless America
Great new series, addictive.
Love that I get to watch BB on this app!
Love CBS APP.......was able to catch up on Big Brother! Its such a twistie turvy season is year! Big hook sense day 1
I love the CBS app. Everything is well organized so that I can watch shows that I missed or tune into our local station KPIX channel 5 for current news
Gotta keep up with Colbert! Nice interface, crisp images, no complaints!
Working with clients I miss a lot of sitting in front of the TV to watch my shows. At last I can now turn to my IPad and watch the things Ive missed in the time I have, when I can. Love the CBS app
I love this app. CBS is my favorite station. All my favorite shows are on CBS. Never have a problem with it. Great app
The App no longer works on my iPod Touch. The App will start but the icons for different videos are blank.
Nice app for when youre on the go.
It is great to be able to watch shows on the go! Sometimes it is just the little break you need!
App is easy to use, good content, video and sound quality is disappointing at best.
Kids are freaking out cause big brother comes on tonight and none of our apps are working! I deleted off my iPad and now cant reinstall it? What the heck?