Paramount+ App Reviews

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Bluetooth and AirPlay problems. Annoying and detrimental to my soul. My heart murmurs softly, engrossed in a depression so severe it flays at the inner walls of my minds hallways, leaving me but a horrid and painful passage through the day... without my Colbert

Audio Problems

Current version does not support video via Bluetooth whether it is headphones or a speaker. Plays just fine on my android though. Not happy about not being able to use a product I pay for every month. Fix the problem and do some compensation and Ill consider giving a higher star rating.

Bluetooth Feature Broken After Last App Update

The new AirPlay update to the CBS app has disables the ability to watch the video on an apple device and listen to the audio on a Bluetooth device. Unbelievable, no one tested this before launching the app update. Considering AirPlay only works with devices that already have stand alone CBS apps (apple tv) that are a preferred choice over Airdrop, just rollback the update already. Until CBS fixes this issue, I will be cancelling my CBS All Access Subscription!

Bluetooth not working; no PIP support

Two huge issues: 1) When I watch it while using my wireless headphones, I get audio but no video. 2) This app needs PIP support. Fix those two, and its a five-star app.

Fix the Bluetooth Bud!

I can no longer use the app with my AirBuds!!! This means I cant use it when working out or any time I cant play audio aloud unless I just want to listen.

Bluetooth issue

I cant attach my Bluetooth speaker to my phone and use because it wont let me see the screen. Please fix this quickly!!!

Bluetooth Headset gets audio but phone has no video

App tries to airplay to headphones. Please fix.


UPDATE: The recent update will not allow for Bluetooth. It will connect but things its an airplay device. Please fix ASAP The Apple TV app has completely stopped working. It crashes every time I first open the app. I can watch shows on computer and phone.

Update killed chromecast

Chromecast says no media selected. ?

Audio sync issues

I have the ad free version of CBS All Access. While there are many issues with this app, a very slight audio sync problem is at the top of my list. I feel like I am losing it and end up concentrating on the actors lips half the time. It isnt a huge sync problem but enough to notice. Please fix! Other issues: please improve video and sound quality to equal Hulu. Please add a rewind/fast forward button. Binging a series is awkward as it doesnt keep track of what you have watched. So very primitive on organizing your watching experience. Work on that. It would be nice to have this all resolved in time for the fall season and Star Trek: Discovery.

Fatal error...

Cant watch anything

Big Problem with Crashing & Bluetooth

Ive enjoyed this App, on my iPad, until last night, when I did the update. no longer works! Wont let me use my Bose Bluetooth speakers, and it flashes a message about AirPlay and crashes. I had to start it over and over. Big waste of time!!! I wanted to watch the News on my iPad and had to put up with the iPad audio...because it no longer connects to my Bose speakers...then it crashed...7-8 times...I gave up!! The crashes have happened a few times before. But not like last night, I got so frustrated, that I deleted the app. Its broke!! Dont download it...big waste of time and $$ CBS...Please fix this fast ....or I will cancel my subscription fast!

Worst app update

Whoever put out this latest version should be FIRED!!! How could they not test Bluetooth functionality??? Most of iPhone users use Bluetooth headphones these days. This app is basically useless as you only see a blank screen when you listen with a Bluetooth headphone. We need the older version back!!! We must all write to CBS to ask our monthly subscription fee back until a new version is released to fix this problem or restore the older version.

Bluetooth Broken, AirPods Not Working!

Since the latest update of the app Bluetooth hasnt been working at all, when I try to use my wireless Apple AirPods while watching a video it shows the background of whatever show Im watching and says "Now playing on AirPods" and then it plays only the audio of the video and no picture. Needs fixed right away because thats the only headphones I use, and I think a majority of people who use the CBS app use Bluetooth headphones as well, so if this doesnt get fixed ASAP a lot of people will stop using the app.

Bluetooth problems!

This app was fine. (Lots of annoying commercials even with paying but thats not an app problem). Now, when I connect any Bluetooth (external speak, tried another Bluetooth speaker, Bluetooth headphones) it says now playing on whatever Bluetooth and doesnt show a picture as if it is air-paying. Please update even if the new update just puts us back to the old version.


All I can see is the CBS logo on my phone. Before it was a wonderful app and I enjoyed it immensely. Casting shows is great.

Bluetooth Broken

Unintended consequences!! Need to fix the Bluetooth audio. This is going to be more valuable than the Airplay feature that was added (and apparently screwed up the Bluetooth headphone use). Its been a good app until this frustration. Looking forward to the fix!

Sound quality

Only listened once,but had poor sound quality on show, but good on commercials. I watched an old show, so maybe it was the show itself .

Cant use Bluetooth Headphones

The last update broke bluetooth. I can no longer watch content on my phone and listen to it via my bluetooth Beats headphones. Get those code monkeys on the case and fix this!


What did you do to update the recent app? I can no longer use my Bose Mini Bluetooth Speaker with my iPad!! Ive been an All Access customer for quite a while and I would recommend a prompt repair.

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