Paramount+ App Reviews

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Bluetooth wont work!

Why update when it was working just fine? Now the Bluetooth wont work!

Watch Colbert


App fail

Every time I open the app it immediately closes. How do I unsubscribe?

No video with Bluetooth

The recent update does not allow video on my device while connected via Bluetooth. I just hear the sound.

Bluetooth kills the video

The video feed is dropped when the device is paired with bluetooth speaker. Whatever happened to user testing?

Only Plays audio with bluetooth headphones no picture

New update has a bug! Please fix

Bluetooth wont work!

Why update when it was working just fine. Now the Bluetooth wont work!


This is unacceptable - as a loyal customer for YEARS the Bluetooth issue has made it unusable. I want a refund for this month.

What happened

With the new air play, cant watch with blue tooth headset! I pay for monthly streaming, and cant watch with AirPods in...please fix

Bluetooth headphones wont work now

I cant listen and watch with my Bluetooth headphones. Please fix or I will not renew subscription. This is unacceptable!!!

App is great; need Picture-in-Picture

Id love to watch the live feeds with PiP! Id tune in much more often & consume more content if the CBS supported this feature.


I find it preposterous that CBS requires a monthly subscription to watch their shows. Signing in to a cable provider is understandable but paying for shows that are mostly subpar is ridiculous. Deleting and going back to ABC shows immediately.

Bluetooth issues

For some reason the app has stopped showing video when I use Bluetooth headphones. It acts as if the headphones are some form of airplay and thus would be showing the video on it. Just a message saying showing on <headphones name> and the audio comes through but no video. It has worked just fine prior to today.

Bluetooth dead

Can no longer listen on Bluetooth headphones, it says "now playing on X" where x is your headphones. It plays no video at all while a Bluetooth headset is active

Only plays audio with Bluetooth headset

I can not watch with my Bluetooth headset with the new update. I would hate to turn off my subscription if this does not get fixed quickly. Additionally, you should really consider updating your app to the more current versions like Netflix and Hulu! Even the CW app knows what you watched and it is free! I am paying good money but your app seems archaic. On a positive note, I love the shows CBS offers. Please fix quickly.

Was good before the update, now unusable

Used to watch last nights Colbert every day using this app, now thanks to the update I can only listen and not see the picture when using my Bluetooth headphones. Please fix asap!!!

No longer works with Bluetooth

The new update killed the app for my AirPods. It acts like airplay where it will send the video to my AirPods (which of course dont do video) so all I get is the sound. Please fix this before I find other shows on other apps to watch and decide not to come back.

No picture when connected to Bluetooth

This update has made viewing a huge hassle, I used to use my Echo or Bluetooth headphones but now it stops video whenever Bluetooth connects. I dont need to know where the sound is streaming to, I need the video to show (like Im paying for)

So bad I need to leave a review

This is one of those instances where the product is so terrible, you want to leave a review. The app does not cast to my Android TV, it just hangs...and hangs..and hangs. The app will not play video when using my bluetooth headphones. It just shows the "this is playing on your airplay device" screen. Ive deleted and reinstalled. CBS should be ashamed there was a severe lack of proper testing before pushing it to the store.


No picture

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