I support CBSS decision to offer paid subscriptions that give deep access to their library, plus a free version with less content. Its the basis for a classic "freemium" product business model - give users a positive experience with a limited version for free, and get them wanting more so theyll move up to a paid service.
But for that to work, you need to have a positive user experience with the free version, and be strategic about when and how the user hits the limits of free, so that jumping over the pay wall is their idea. CBSs product design team and user experience designers in particular have failed SPECTACULARLY at this fundamental requirement.
The free version should let the user run free amongst the available content, enjoying it with the absolute minimal barriers - basically, program surfing as if they were in front of a tv with a menu of all the goodies, and watching the next interesting thing was just a click away. Then program your free/paid selection so the limits hit them at that point when they are enjoying the content so much, they just gotta have more!
Instead, CBS HAS elected to present a ton of content that *looks* like its available, and force the user to navigate down and back up silos to discover, in many cases, that theres actually no content available to view without the paid upgrade. Its a design/workflow pattern that perfectly supports the requirement "Create maximum opportunities for user disappointment, and minimize opportunities for success."
This approach shows that someone at the Product Design level is trying to solve business goals with zero regard for how human beings actually behave. The exact same set of free content/paid content can easily be presented to encourage user upgrades to the paid service. Right now, lack of the most basic understanding of user experience design has let to a product that mostly encourages people to just abandon the effort.
CBS: Get a product manager who understands that brute force is not the way to accomplish business goals, and knows how to encourage users to fulfill your business goals, instead of just checking some box in a list of business requirements. Someone should be embarrassed.